im celestina loving (named after the cowboy) and i love to make stuff. thats a picture of me over there.
i'm a british sixth form student at the moment studying film and media (and also physics but that is humiliating). i have the world's lowest attention span so i love to work on creative projects to keep me entertained. i've got a page on the
about of this site too but all it really is is another outlet for all that.
the goal of my existence is to make art love art and absorb art regardless of in which form. i hope to make film and fashion the most currently. my fave film of all time is lock, stock and two smoking barrels but dawn of the dead is a special movie to me and i love it dearly. my number 1 artistic inspiration (and also fashion inspiration) is adam ant. he's currently my obsession. i'm working on buying all of his records so that i can play his albums on my turntable... right now im searching for strip because it's my fave currently.
i don't have a solid career goal for the future but i really want to spend my time trying to make myself known... i don't know if that means i want to be a celebrity or what. i just want to do something really cool. i sometimes feel like i'm looking for an environment or a culture that doesn't exist and that means if i want to find it i need to do something about it. my plan is to move to brighton and make a shop. i will name her :-O :-D :-( and she will be the best thing for miles